Tag Archives: Google+

Load board ReferATruck would like to Thank Google for being the most relevant search engine on the internet. Inspired by and article written on Manta this October 14, 2013 Monday Morning.

SEO is so very important as a new online start-up tech company. This weekend was the first time our business ranked on the first page of Google search under 3 keywords that we really focus on each and every day as we create and deploy rich relevant content for the Transportation and Logistics Industry. Our content creation keeps focus through blogs, Facebook social promotions and other online resources like Yahoo ‘free’ Classifieds ads. We know what our potential customers are looking for, now it’s our job ‘with the help of Google’ to get in front of them first!

Topsy,search,tweets,loadboard_,referatruck,load board,freight,matching,software,truckers,brokers,shippers

Check out Topsy search engine http://www.Searchenginefuture.com Powerful social online search ‘see image above’

Even more exciting for our new software service is we had many new members join over the weekend from pure Search Engine Results. When we called to verify their information for security purposes we ask them how they heard about ReferATruck Load board, they said; “I found the Load board through Google search, visited the home page ReferATruck.com and signed up.” This is so very powerful, considering we did not run any paid ads and our ranking is currently all Organic SEO (Organic = Non-paid Search Engine Optimization) Organic SEO is great, however you still may want to run paid ads as well, because the reach is so huge from PPC.

Trucker,manta,small business,network,load board,referatruck,google,search,organic,seo,freight,matching,services

Use all the resources the web has to offer to help your Trucking business grow organically. It’s taken our marketing team at Load board ReferATruck offices about 150 days of non-stop blogging and social networking to reach our goal. There is no easy way to get seen in the marketplace when you are a new business. If you continue to create quality content and focus on a few key words that best describe your business practices, you will prevail. Load board ReferATruck Trucking Software is a key example; Quality Blogging and Social Networking really does work! Join Load board ReferATruck today to see why we are the fastest growing Trucking Software in North America, Canada and Mexico for Inline Freight Carriers, Freight Brokers and Freight Shippers in the Transportation and Logistics industry.

If this was helpful please join our network on Manta, as Manta inspired me to write this blog on Monday morning. Like our facebook fan page too. We run exciting promotions and by Liking our fan page you will receive updates from our Facebook social interaction. This will give you a good idea of campaigns and promotions that are working and getting results right now. Our team of professionals at the ReferATruck offices have years of experience in social media marketing. http://www.facebook.com/GoReferATruck

manta,small business,growth,organic,seo,load board,referatruck,loadboard,freight,matching,service,software,trucking,online,tools,carriers,brokers,shippers,transportation,logistics,industry

Check out ReferATruck Manta ‘Keywords’ ReferATruck Load board Freight Matching

ReferATruck Load board is an Angie-List Style freight matching service for Truckers, Brokers and Shippers. Real-time reviews hold businesses accountable creating a higher standard and better quality network of hard-working Trucking businesses. Ultimately poorly performing entity’s are pushed out to make room for more efficiency and better paying transactions within the Transportation and Logistics Industry. Get paid better, Get Load board ReferaTruck!

Join here for FREE, for LIFE!

‘Get er Loaded’

Run Your Mouth…, rock the social phenomenon

How can I convert Social Network friends into (fans, likes, plus 1’s and ultimately customers!?)

Manta recently shared an interesting blog; ‘Lead customers to your website – What are you doing to drive more traffic to your website?’

CONVERSION – Bridge users directly to your eCommerce website. 

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Lets look at our Facebook activity as an example of the challenges we face in converting friends and fans into real live member of our Trucking Load baord website

1.) First challenge for us was not to annoy our friends and family with constant facebooking about our load board Trucking Fan Page called ‘GoReferATruck.’ #Fail

2.) Second challenge is getting our Followers from our Facebook Fan Page to convert into new members/customers.

Facebook is a hungry hungry audience with an appetite for content worth sharing. If your Fan Page photos aren’t ‘cool’ people won’t like them, and if you don’t get likes you don’t get organic growth. Sure you can pay to ‘Promote’ your posts, but then you risk the chance of having a large following of irrelevant fans, or fans that really could care less about your business, they just like your cool photos.

What to do? That is the question that keeps small business owners and even marketing gurus up at night.

So Here’s what we do.

You can’t limit your business to any single channel. You have to do a little bit every day using every social network ‘channel’ like Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Tumblr, Google+, WordPress, [*Starme], Youtube, etc and realize your return on investment – (investment being your time, energy and money you’ve spent to promote your brand through each channel and the benefits your business is receiving by doing so). Not all benefits have to convert to be valuable. You can build a following of influential people who may never convert to members / customers but may help spread your ideas and business brand through online interacting, which we like to call Organic Growth.

If you have any great ideas or experience where your business has overcome the monster of social conversion and figured out unique ways to promote and convert your fans into customers; Please share!

Thanks for reading, now give us your feedback…, please!